Photography Studio and Lighting Forum

Hosted by fabulous Florida-based professional fashion photographer, Asylum Steve, this forum is for discussing studio photography and anything related to lighting.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    grand forks bc canada

    Question places to learn how to use lighting and reflectors

    Hi my names jody im new to this board im actually looking into starting up my own photography studio in my home to do like protraits and baby pictures crap like that. anyways i didnt go to school for it so im not to sure what im gettign myself into. i know how to use camaras i have a digital and a slr and i can use props and backdrops but im not to sure on the whole lighting and reflectors thing i have absolutly no idea how to use them and was wondering if any one could tech me how or knew of any good websites that help with learnign how to use them and when to use them. any help would be muchly appreciated.:thumbsup:


  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: places to learn how to use lighting and reflectors

    not difficuly, my dear. in my set up, you will basically require two umbrella units or soft boxes of prolinchrom and one snoot for hair lighting or sometimes for using as backgroundlighting. when u use one light on the subject from one side, the reflectors may help to fill in shadow areas from another side judging the requirement of reflector how much to fill the shadow. start normally with one light and one reflector and snoot for hair light to separate the subject from the b'ground. keep the main light at 45 degree angle and nearly 4 to5 feet away. take the reading from the flash meter near the face, adjust the shutter speed and aperture, look thru the viewfinder(suppose itis a bust shot-like passport) adjust the shoulders of the sitter to an angle slightly moved and face to camera, ask him /her to bear a little smile, (see sparkle in the eyes), in the meanwhile set up the hair light from one side above-generally the opposite side, watch the effect on hair, ask somebody to hold the reflector or adjust yourself on a chair/stool etc. now u are ready to take the picture - one thing,if it is a lady keep ur eyes on makeup, for gentleman, skight skin powder will do, as i do since this is colour photography. still worried, photoshop is their to help you out. take 3-4 snaps , changing light slightly, and view them and if the have come nice let customer choose the one or two he most liked. so following the above examples, try with two lights dispensing of the reflector. if ur need increase buy a background lightly separately. more serious photographers go for lighting for different kinds of faces-short lighting, broad lighting, glamour--butterfly lighting, rest is on experimentation, there is no limit to perfection - it is all trial and error method which big photographers of the bygone era used to do and still we do since it is in the human nature to err and correct. there are no hard and fast rules. once you come in the line, experiment and do the same thing on children but treating them differently with the help of their parents. if any thing/help u want u can ask in the forum- my log in is shroticg. best of luck.

  3. #3
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: places to learn how to use lighting and reflectors

    Quote Originally Posted by jodydejong
    ... or knew of any good websites that help with learnign how to use them and when to use them. any help would be muchly appreciated.:thumbsup:
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