I have purchsed the studio perfect lighting kit...I know this is not the best quality but it is what I can afford right now. I have the lights set up and a wireless remote reciever on the lights and the transmitter on the hotshoe of my camera. My problem is that the studio lights are not going off everytime I take a picture. I have set it up according to the maual and it works most of the time but every 5th or 6th picture it won't work. Also I have been having the problem that I will take a picture and even if the lights fire the picture is complety black but I can take another picture without changing any settings a few shots later and it will work. do I have something set wrong....any ideas?????Please help me! I have a Nikon D70 and I have it set to manual with a 1/60th sync speed. Any advice would be greatly apprecitaed.