Hey all, I've been asked to work with an artist, David Kassan on his self portrait. He is looking to work from a photograph of himself that has multiple images(3-5) depicting motion with at least one of them being fairly sharp.
He was specifically looking for motion/movement. He also wants these done against a white wall in his studio (that is the hard part)
The images I took here were from a few experiments using strobe multi burst lighting. No modifiers used, I was just trying to work on the actual effect . He also specifically wants one light source from above.
In the first image tried using a constant light from a halogen head with the addtion of a flash set with rear curtain sync and a fairly long shutter speed. I did not gel my flash to match the temperature of the halogen, which I will certainly do next time. I will try to use this constant lighting with a multiple burst of three flashes next time around as well.
Here is some of what I have achieved so far, very preliminary stages.
the last image with myself in the frame 5 times was done against a black bg which really works best as the black records nothing over the faint signals of motion and blur.
Please don't be alarmed by the images of myself. . .Nina will kill me if she finds out I posted her for an example lol
Any other ideas to achieve the motion blur results?