Hello there, I am very new to this site and am in need of some advice on setting up a portrait studio.
I have a purpose built studio, with two bowens esprit 500 heads and one bowens esprit gemini 500 head lights. I have a 3m wide white vinyl back drop with a standard room ceiling height. I currently have all my lights set on tripods. I have been advised to use the two esprit heads to light the high key back drop (with soft boxs - not yet purchased) and the gemini to use as the fill light positioned by the camera. My camera is a Canon Digital SLR D60.
I am really struggling with setting up the lights to the correct f/stops. I have got a prolinca lightmetre but am getting terribly confused as to how I work it. I seem to be getting really low readings on the light metre, and think I am doing this all wrong.
Is there anyone who can help and talk me through the absolute basics on how the light meter works and how the reading is then used to set up the lights. I do have a remote sync for the lights.
I appreciate this is a big topic to answer, but any advice would be gratefully received.
Thank you