Photography Studio and Lighting Forum

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    San Diego, CA

    Question 2700K DSLR Converted to 5700K ????

    I'm attempting to DIY 2 narrow table top 55 Watt Flourescent Lights (F55W2D) that are actually dimmable for table top use with a tent. I've just found lamps that are 3500 Kelvin in addition for use with this.

    These lamps are only 8" x 8" as I'm doing only Macro and small items and should provide even lighting plus they will be dimmable.

    My only concern is that they are 2700K and presently no one manufacturers a 5700K equivilant.

    Question: My Olympus 510 has many equivilant seetings for these applications, but will setting the white balance to either 4000 / 4500 / 6600K / or Custom equal that of a true 5700K specific designed Lamp?

    The other reason for this DIY is that I have very little area to set this up and these lamps will only have a total depth of 3 1/2" and will allow me to place these quite close to the tent, and I'm getting these lamps gratis is another incentive.
    Last edited by marc robert; 03-17-2008 at 09:56 AM.

  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: 2700K DSLR Converted to 5700K ????

    Custom White Balance is the solution. Shoot a white piece of paper (seamless, typing, foamcore) if you don't have a target. Then it will not matter as long as the Color Temp remains fairly consistent.

    You might also want to post a similar question in the Olympus forum. There is more expertise potentially availble there as to any particular issue with Flourescents and White Balance with Oly DSLR's.

    Table top photography isn't usually a problem with the 'flicker' just use a long enough exposure to counteract the cycle rate of the lamps. Do let the lighting fixture operate at full power for 10-20 minutes prior to use as the ballasts (or other solid state controls) will even out during that time.

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  3. #3
    MJS is offline
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    Re: 2700K DSLR Converted to 5700K ????

    Check your manual, I believe you will need to do a custom white balance and I don't know if your camera has that function, although it should.
    Nikon Samurai #8
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA

    Re: 2700K DSLR Converted to 5700K ????

    Thank you both, and the 510 does have the Custom feature. These are electronic ballasts and rune at such a high rate that flicker should not be a concern. I'll post it in the OLY section to see if anyone has had a similar experience.

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