For playing around with astro-photography, I'm wondering what kind of super telephoto would do what I want. Of course, ideally I'd be going with the 600 f4 Minolta, but, I dont have $8 grand to spare. There is quite a range of options though, everything from cheap off-brand Phoenix lens going for under $100, to Sigma's and Sony's reflex mirror lens, and all the way up to the 600mm f4.
Question is, how important is the optical performance, if always focusing at infinite focus distance, and shooting at ~f16 is fine? If using the phoenix, would the moon be surrounded by a huge purple fringe?
I am thinking of getting a cheap piece of crap just for the specific use of shooting the moon and astrology. But may hold out for a mirror, can't see myself justifying $8 grand on a lens for quite a while...