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  1. #1
    Member DonSchap's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Des Plaines, IL

    Post SONY 85mm/f2.8 SAM

    The new SONY 85mm f/2.8 SAM has been released and I bought one, because my Rokinon (Samyang) 85mm f/1.4 is manual focus (MF) .. and at night, that can be a pain to deal with. My TAMRON SP AF 90mm f/2.8 Di MACRO is the right size, but its focus is ... well, at MACRO speed. It has a limit switch, but I find myself often waiting a little too long to get focused and can lose the shot.

    So, for $300, SONY comes to the rescue with not the widest 85mm on the market, but definitely one of the most cost-effective. It has a 55mm filter-ring, so the SONY 50mm f/1.4 filters are swappable to it. It weighs the same as the 50mm and is darn near the same size. Unlike the SONY CZ 85mm f/1.4 model, this is truly pocket-able.

    Okay, yes, it is a plastic construct. Just treat it nice ... you'll live. It delivers snappy and accurate focus. The image quality is very good in my opinion.

    Is it Zeiss glass? NO ... but, then again, it isn't $1400 either! You can actually afford this one.

    Having an 85mm PRIME is a very desirable attribute, as it makes for a dandy portrait lens.

    I shot a few, this weekend, with it and, well, you can tell me. Thumbs up :thumbsup: or down :mad2: ?

    Don Schap
    If you can't afford the heavy-duty gear ... have no fear, they used to do this with a piece of charcoal and a dark tent
    There's no money in this ... it's just "love of the game."
    Look, I did not create the optical laws of the Universe ... I simply learned to deal with them.

    Remember: It is usually the GLASS, not the camera, that gives you the most improvement in your photography. Refrain from "INTRO" lenses.
    My Gear List

  2. #2
    Member DonSchap's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Des Plaines, IL

    Red face Sorry about ...

    I want to apologize for posting such "unattractive" subjects to demonstrate this lens. I know you folks prefer the "warts & all" kind of subjects that usually populate these pages.

    I will try to do better ... :mad2:
    Don Schap
    If you can't afford the heavy-duty gear ... have no fear, they used to do this with a piece of charcoal and a dark tent
    There's no money in this ... it's just "love of the game."
    Look, I did not create the optical laws of the Universe ... I simply learned to deal with them.

    Remember: It is usually the GLASS, not the camera, that gives you the most improvement in your photography. Refrain from "INTRO" lenses.
    My Gear List

  3. #3
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Re: SONY 85mm/f2.8 SAM


    Of course, that is 85mm on your full frame, which I think is a lot more useful than on an APS crop.

    Still, I wish they would have made it faster, right now I already have my 28-75 f/2.8, so this doesn't offer me really anything beyond that, the plus 10mm is negligible, same speed, just more lightweight. I wish they made it like f/2 or something, then I would be interested. But, they didn't, so I'm not.

    Much more interested in the 35mm f/1.8! but a bummer that its an APS crop glass , no sweet spot advantage for aps, no full frame option. Oh well, its what, $200? So, can't really complain.

  4. #4
    Member DonSchap's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Des Plaines, IL

    Lightbulb SONY 35mm/f1.8 DT

    I know what you mean ... I have the SONY AF 35mm f/1.8 DT on pre-order, also. Obviously, it is meant to be ONLY an effective 50mm lens for the APS-C sensors, since there really is not anything reasonably priced at 35mm anywhere else. It is some relief, but I suspect SONY would never sell another SONY 35mm f/1.4 G ($1300) if had made the f/1.8 Full Frame and you can be assured they have a number of that high-end glass in the inventory.

    I am not sure what it is about this lens focal length at Full Frame and AF ... but no one is touching it. Looks like Samyang is letting one out this next year, but it is going to be Manual Focus. I had hoped SIGMA might take a crack at it ... but they won't, either.
    Don Schap
    If you can't afford the heavy-duty gear ... have no fear, they used to do this with a piece of charcoal and a dark tent
    There's no money in this ... it's just "love of the game."
    Look, I did not create the optical laws of the Universe ... I simply learned to deal with them.

    Remember: It is usually the GLASS, not the camera, that gives you the most improvement in your photography. Refrain from "INTRO" lenses.
    My Gear List

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    S.F. Bay Area, CA - USA

    Re: SONY 85mm/f2.8 SAM

    That does appear to be a great little piece of glass...

    How is it wide open? How's the bokeh? Can't really judge from the above shots..

    I have to think it's better at f2.8 than any of the Minolta/Tamron 28-75 f2.8 lenses, as my Konica-Minolta 28-75 f2.8 is pretty soft wide open anywhere other than dead center..

    If I hadn't broken down and picked up an old Minolta 85mm f1.4 RS a few months ago, I would have been all over this... But, I have no regrets with the Minolta... It is pretty damn nice wide open, only getting better stopped down. I find myself making excuses to need to use it when ever I can... Kinda hard on a crop though, as the working distance is a bit long...

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