Anyone else notice that all of a sudden, prices on used KM items are at least 4 times what they were in December. This is especially so with lenses. Camera stores are having a hard time keeping bodies in stock, they sell out too fast, not because of lack of supply. One would think the prices would drop drastically, but instead, the withdrawal of KM has caused a feeding frenzy of sorts.
For example, a 70-210 f/4 was usually under $100 when i got mine. Recently they have been selling for $400+, and are becoming a rare sight.
Perhaps some people out there have some inside knowledge.
Anyway, I noticed we recently have new KM users, so I posted this to give them a head up. It may actually be better to wait on lens purchases until after April 1st. Which is when Sony takes over officially. If you "need" additional lenses now, I would only buy from dealers, and avoid the ebay madness.
B&H has the 50 f/1.7 for around $100, it's on ebay recently for as much as $260.