I am looking for a Sony DSLR, but am somewhat confused. My father has a Konica Minolta and I like it, but I'm looking to get something that is a little bit better than his model. I'd like for it to take low light photos (night photography), also, I have one of those studio in a box products that I use for taking pictures of wood working projects once they're completed and for sale. My father's camera takes awful photos with it, I was hoping I could find something that would work a bit better, although my father's camera probably just needs a macro lens to take better photos with the box. I also wish to take daytime nature photography, and of course photos of friends. In the past, I've become the go-to guy for taking group photos in place of a professional photographer. While I have no idea why people think I'm even remotely qualified to do so when I know next to nothing about cameras - and your guess is as good as mine, I'd like to at least have a camera that can help me out a little bit (if such a miracle camera exists).
My main questions though, and the real reason I'm posting this is to ask, what is the difference between the different groups of DSLRs on Sony's website. What is a Traditional DSLR vs. a Translucent mirror DSLR, vs. a professional DSLR. What are the differences, and what do you recommend. Also, in addition to a group recommedation, a model recommedation would be fantastic too, but if that's asking too much I understand.
I've been thinking about getting my own DSLR for years now, pretty much ever since my father bought one, and am ready to just take the plunge, but if I'm going to spend the money, I'd like to spend it on something that will technologically not become obsolete overnight and will serve me well for years to come.
Thank you.