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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Minolta 303si has prints very light indoor pictures, what's up?

    My minolta Dynax 303si is printing out indoor pictures taken at night that are very light. The outdoor daytime photos are just fine. Why are my pictures so washed out. Too much light or don't need a flash? :mad2:

  2. #2
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Re: Minolta 303si has prints very light indoor pictures, what's up?

    What is your f-stop, and film speed? What is the light like? Try it again and take note of the settings, including shutter speed. Perhaps you don't need the flash, it should have a sync speed of 1/125. If you are getting 1/125 when using the flash, and the under/overexposure indicators are blinking, try stopping down, or reducing the film speed.

    It's a hard question to answer without the settings info. Also, could you please post an example? If you are using a mini-lab, they may be trying to lighten your photos as well, and causing the issue. You can always request no correction at your lab, or show them the photos of concern, and ask them to reprint them and compensate in the manner which suits you.

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