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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Turner, Maine

    Learning Controls on Sony Alpha 500

    I have an Alpha 500 that I am using with a Tamron 28-300 lens for a combination of kayaking and tripod based bird photography,

    I'm slowly transitioning from "A" and "S" priority settings to full manual. That said, I often head out with the dial set on AUTO in the hopes of getting a decent fast shot if something unexpected pops up, and then, assuming my subject cooperates and sticks around, moving to manual for more shots.

    Unfortunately this occasionally leaves me with high ISO (I prefer staying at 200 for my bird pictures) and if I forget (yes, it has happened) and just keep shooting, I can end up with a series of what could have been good pictures that really aren't.

    Question: I've been reading and re-reading the manual and it sounds like maybe the "P" setting would give me the "quick shoot" advantages of Auto while remaining in my desired ISO and white balance range, yes??

    Any and all input greatly appreciated. Thanks again, guys.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Learning Controls on Sony Alpha 500

    I use manual mode frequently, but aperture and shutter priority are a much more practical option very often, for balancing scenes with wildly varying exposures. Combine it with the use of spot metering plus the use of AEL Toggle and/or exposure compensation, it can still provide a very manual control while still being ready and responsive and quick.

    Manual mode is usually only my preferred for studio and tripod set scenes. Otherwise aperture priority is my preferred.

  3. #3
    Member PWhite214's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Houston, Texas, USA

    Re: Learning Controls on Sony Alpha 500

    I am not familiar with your model, but on mine you can limit the ISO range in the menu. That way you should not get too hi.

    I downloaded the PDF manual file to my computer and when over every menu choice to learn about the functions. It was too difficult to hold the book and camera at the same time.

    +1 with Anbesol, I use Aperture Priority most of the time. That allows me to set the DOF or the "sweet spot" on a particular lens, then follow the action with the camera controlling the shutter speed. I have exposure comp set on my rear dial and aperture on the front dial or the A700.


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