Hi,I have had several Sony DSLR cameras and I find them to be an excellent value.I currently have an NEX 3, an A300 and an HDR SR5 Video camera. My plan is tosell the A300 along with the video camera and buy something that will combine the 2 into onecamera. I shoot mostly still photos but some video. So I purchased an A65V buthave not received it yet. I want to stay with Sony because of the good valuethey bring, innovation with the translucent mirror technology and because Ihave several nice Minolta and Sony lenses. One important features is theability to do bracketing for HDR. Well, after I made the purchase I read a bitabout the A65s inability to bracket adequately for HDR. I have done tons ofmanual bracketing with my A300, but it's a pain to do it manually. I justfigured the A65V would do this no problem. Apparently I was wrong. My questionis, does Sony make a DSLR or SLT camera that shoots 1080p video and does a goodjob with bracketing?>>
Thanks in advance>>