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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Reston, VA

    Alpha A-100 flash. Good or bad?

    When I was doing research to buy my camera, one of the few negative things that I found about the Sony Alpha (from reviewers, pop photography, etc) is that the flash doesn't pop up automatically when needed.

    Now that I'm using the camera I find the feature very positive. I don't like using flash (and I'm sure most of the users that get a slr avoid using flash), and instead of having to cancel it every time, I just shoot.

    Anybody else think as this as a good feature that Sony should keep for following models? / or other cameras could adopt?

  2. #2
    Senior Member payn817's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Georgia, usa

    Re: Alpha A-100 flash. Good or bad?

    This was part of a long discussion between a friend and I recetly.

    She is currently using Canon, and wants to switch to the Sony/KM system. Yes, she realizes the differences in the system. Anyway, she recently got some hands on time with my gear, and she complained about the flash not popping up. It seems that she used that before as a sign to let her know she needed to adjust her exposure in available light shots, so it threw her off.

    So, the auto flash thing is ok for some but I absolutely hate it, and see no need for it. Not to mention that cancelling the flash could cause you to miss the shot. Guess it depends on one's experience.

    One thing to remember about reviews is that they tend to be aimed at the general consumer, even those in the larger mags. So, it may be a con that the flash doesn't pop automatically for someone who doesn't understand phrases such as "fast glass". You'd be surprised how many cameras I sell everyday and those buying them have no clue what aperture, shutter speed, etc means.

  3. #3
    May the force be with you Canuck935's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    San Diego, California, USA

    Re: Alpha A-100 flash. Good or bad?

    Yep, same here, I can't stand auto pop-up flash. Ugh.

  4. #4
    Junior Member lareinagel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    GA, USA

    Re: Alpha A-100 flash. Good or bad?

    I too love that it does not pop up. I can get the shots I want without the flash. If I don't like how the image appears, I can pull up the flash and shoot again. The coloring without a flash is always better.

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