I have been shooting with the a99 for just a week and I must say WOW dynamic range like nothing I have seen before. I have always used an ND grad plus shoot for the highlights but this camera I can take it almost without a ND grad. I haven't shoot but a few landscapes but the ones I have shoot has not needed any processing as far as getting exposure balanced. These are almost out of camera. A little contrast and clarity, that's it. This may kill HDR software sales. Plus one and a half to two stop improvement with low noise at high ISO. 3200iso is very clean and 6400 very workable. I may send it back it has gotten to easy, not.
Dock at Dawn by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr
Dock at Dawn by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr
Old Christmas Tree by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr
Dock at Dawn by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr
a99 by Cosmonaut's, on Flickr