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  1. #26
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    Regarding replies.

    Is there a very recent (tonight) change in the reply options? I see 3 options. The first on the bottom right is "quote" which means you have to quote part of the post you're replying to. The 2nd is an icon for "quick reply." Earlier today there was another option - just a normal "reply" option like we've always had - except there is nothing quoted. Now I can't find it.

    The 3rd option - you can post a reply without a quote by going to the top of the page to "reply" and there is another "reply" at the bottom of the page, but then you can't tell which post is being replied to.

    My deleted post: I just posted something similar to this, then noted there IS a "reply" so I deleted my post - only to discover the "reply" is only at the top and bottom of page.

    I am a bit tired, so hope this makes sense.


  2. #27
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    I don't like how big the font is.

    When I was looking before I was logged in, the bar at the top had a "today's posts" option. But now, in this window as I type, I see the old bar, with "new posts" and calendar and quick links showing. Let's see if it changes after I hit "submit reply".

    Yeah, it's weird, now that I've logged in I see different options in the top bar than I did before I was logged in. I like my logged in options better.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  3. #28
    Pentax Forum Moderator
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    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz
    Regarding replies.

    Is there a very recent (tonight) change in the reply options? I see 3 options. The first on the bottom right is "quote" which means you have to quote part of the post you're replying to. The 2nd is an icon for "quick reply." Earlier today there was another option - just a normal "reply" option like we've always had - except there is nothing quoted. Now I can't find it.

    The 3rd option - you can post a reply without a quote by going to the top of the page to "reply" and there is another "reply" at the bottom of the page, but then you can't tell which post is being replied to.

    My deleted post: I just posted something similar to this, then noted there IS a "reply" so I deleted my post - only to discover the "reply" is only at the top and bottom of page.

    I am a bit tired, so hope this makes sense.

    Hi Liz,
    The button you may be thinking of is the "Report this post" button. It has been moved over next to the "online/offline" notice under your name/avatar.. It looks like a triangle with an exclamation point in it.
    IMHO, it is kind of in an odd place and should be back down with the other reply buttons or at least some sort of title on it, so we know what it is...well actually so that newbies to the site will know what it is.
    Hope I guessed right about the button you were looking for.

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  4. #29
    Senior Member
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    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    Look for this it is the Report Bad Post link

  5. #30
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
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    Locked Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    We upgraded our forums software last night. We tested it after the changes were made, but there may be some stylistic changes or problems that we've missed. If you encounter any problems, please post them here. We'll be addressing any problems that come up, as quickly as possible.

    I keep getting messages that the "Forum is not accepting new messages" about half the time I try to post something. The only cure is to save the post, close the browser, and start fresh.

    Firefox I haven't tried it on Opera or IE yet.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  6. #31
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Locked Forums

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Fanelli
    I keep getting messages that the "Forum is not accepting new messages" about half the time I try to post something. The only cure is to save the post, close the browser, and start fresh.

    Firefox I haven't tried it on Opera or IE yet.
    Has anyone else encountered this? I haven't. I'm using Firefox 1.0 and IE.

    And just to make it clear, there are no locked forums.

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  7. #32
    Jedi Master masdog's Avatar
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    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    Hi John. I've seen some of these upgrades in other forums, and so far, they look good.

    However, I noticed a problem since you upgraded the forums software. Whenever I recieve an email notice about a reply, I see the HTML code. I am currently using Mozilla Thunderbird 1.5 (build 20051201)

    Here is an example of what I am getting.

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  8. #33
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Forums Upgrade Feedback

    I don't like the new forum post/nopost icons.
    Having them almost the same colour, and having to count the pieces of paper on the noticeboard ... bleagh almost as bad a UI as Microsoft Office.

    I have to say, if I wasn't already using these forums and knew what ithe software could do, I would not be using it. The icons are not self explanatory in many places, and the problems I'm having with my favourite browser would drive me away as newcomer.

    I'm sticking with FireFox because for some reason my lappie works even though the desktop/doorstop doesn't.

    Oh and I'm staying because I like the community here - do I need to say that?

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