I had the great opportunity and pleasure yesterday (3.Dec.09) to attend the 50 years of Nobel Memories in High-Energy Physics, from the Proton Synchrotron to the Large Hadron Collider in a lecture room at CERN here in Geneva Switzerland. I'd like to share with you here 3 photos I took of one of several Nobel Laureates present at this occasion. His speech was great, even though I didn't understand a single word (I'm a finance guy). He spoke with such humility and feeling I was humbled. There were at least a dozen Nobel Laureates (in Physics) there so the cumulative I.Q. levels must have been quite high, everyone else pretty much was either a Professor or Doctorate of some type (me included by the way J). Anyway I was moved by the sheer presents of such genius and thought some of you might be interested to see one of the Nobel Laureates; Jack Steinberger who gained his Nobel prize in 1988 with the discovery of the Muon Neutrino along with L. Lederman and M. Schwartz. I even feel intelligent writing this stuff I have no idea about. Anyway, here are the shots, hope you like them.
Cheers, Shootme