Hello all,
This has been bothering me for a while...This winter I was shooting bball- girls first and then the guys immediately after. Once I got dialed in w/ the girls, of course, I'd just rock on w/ the guys game. Frequently could get decent shots of the girls, but then just some nights, I was just a flop w/ the guys...I have tried to pick representative shots...
The guys just seem "muddy"....is this motion blur or focus?
I am shooting mostly w/ a D90 w/ a 50mm 1.4 lens. No flash. Usually around ISO 1000. Shutter priority is usually right on the cusp of 1/250....Since my shots were for the paper, a little bit of hard motion blur in the hands/feet was not a big deal for me...as long as the main face was sharp, we could use the images....
Can y'all tell me what is going on here? Do the guys move that much faster than the girls? Are the predomintately dark skinned guys not exposing right? Keep in mind that the images are from the same night, and usually run the same gamut of settings.