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  1. #1
    If you saw it, you didn't get it. tadrscin's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Well I finally got the chance to go out and shoot with my MKIII/Canon 70-200 f2.8 and I was really happy with focusing performance. I took about 400 shots and only deleted about 12 or so that were out of focus. I still have to spend more time experimenting with the the various AF custom functions to see how they all work. Canon has a guide that I downloaded that explains what they do and what sports to use them for. Last night I just went with the suggestions for sports like soccer and that worked very well. I am getting more noise than I expected though. I shot at ISO 6400, f2.8 & 1/400 most of the night which is still about 1/3-2/3 of a stop underexposed depending on where on the field the players were. I clearly need to work on my timing as that's now about the only thing that determines whether or not a shot is a keeper. I've virtually eliminated the gear as a reason for not getting keepers. Let me know what you think. FYI, the first two are not sequential shots.

    I race down mountains on a bike and I take photographs, but never both at the same time :nono:

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Jimmy B's Avatar
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    Seattle,Wa. USA

    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    #2 on second glance is a good shot with the ball planted in the back of the net. I take it you like your new toys :-). Good looking shots Tad.
    Jimmy B

  3. #3
    If you saw it, you didn't get it. tadrscin's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Thanks Jimmy. I was hoping someone would notice the ball in that shot. I did give a little hint though Yeah I'm really liking the new toys
    I race down mountains on a bike and I take photographs, but never both at the same time :nono:

    Feel free to edit any of my photos as long as you explain in detail what you did.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member brmill26's Avatar
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    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Having played indoor and attempted to shoot it, I know how difficult the conditions are; they're awful. I think you did fine. For me, these look a little soft, especially the 2nd one. I'm not sure if that's due to noise reduction or a lack of sharpening or both. It's certainly not bad enough to be fatal; I'm just nit-picking b/c they're otherwise good shots.

    Canon: Rebel XTi, 70-200 F/4L, 50mm F/1.8 II, Promaster 19-35mm F/3.5-4.5, Peleng 8mm fisheye
    Lighting: Canon 430 EXII, Quantaray PZ-1 DSZ, Sunpak 333D, D-8P triggers
    120 Film: Ricohflex Diacord TLR, Firstflex TLR, Zeiss Ikon Nettar 515/2 folder
    35mm Film: Nikon Nikkormat FT2, 35mm F/2.8, 50mm F/1.4, 135mm F/2.8

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  5. #5
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Looks like the goalkeeper fumbled every shot, not just the first one
    I agree, they look soft, but it could easily be from the web conversion - resizing without sharpening.

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  6. #6
    If you saw it, you didn't get it. tadrscin's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Thanks guys. Yeah that poor guy gave up 9 goals in 48 minutes :blush2: The funny thing is that the other team had a guy who never played goalie and he only gave up 3 goals. I do plan on checking the focus on each of my lenses tonight to see if any of them need to be adjusted using the in-camera AF adjustment. I played with my 24-70 a bit during lunch and it seems spot on.
    I race down mountains on a bike and I take photographs, but never both at the same time :nono:

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  7. #7
    If you saw it, you didn't get it. tadrscin's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Indoor Soccer @ ISO 6400

    Well I can't undo the in-camera settings on these, but I did undo what Noise Ninja did. I'm not sure what the difference is between using the camera specific profile vs auto profiling, but the camera profile definitley softens up the images. I guess it's time to go back and spend some more time studying Noice Ninja.

    I race down mountains on a bike and I take photographs, but never both at the same time :nono:

    Feel free to edit any of my photos as long as you explain in detail what you did.

    My Gear
    Canon 7D
    Some L glass.
    Flashes, Radio Poppers, etc.
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