Well I finally got the chance to go out and shoot with my MKIII/Canon 70-200 f2.8 and I was really happy with focusing performance. I took about 400 shots and only deleted about 12 or so that were out of focus. I still have to spend more time experimenting with the the various AF custom functions to see how they all work. Canon has a guide that I downloaded that explains what they do and what sports to use them for. Last night I just went with the suggestions for sports like soccer and that worked very well. I am getting more noise than I expected though. I shot at ISO 6400, f2.8 & 1/400 most of the night which is still about 1/3-2/3 of a stop underexposed depending on where on the field the players were. I clearly need to work on my timing as that's now about the only thing that determines whether or not a shot is a keeper. I've virtually eliminated the gear as a reason for not getting keepers. Let me know what you think. FYI, the first two are not sequential shots.