So all of this thinking and endless hours of reading about flash and football.....
Since my post I uploaded last week's game and the clarity and in focus pictures was much better. I made a few mental adjustments and it seemed to help.
However, I was very interested in shooting at 6400 iso. It gave me the capability to shoot at 1/400th ss which definitely made shooting easier. Also I dread the thought of losing my fps due to flash. It's the beauty of my camera. Last night our game wasn't too important so I figured I'd experiment and shoot at iso 6400.
What do you think?
Here are two shots right out of the camera. Normally these would be cropped and sharpened. I wanted to show exactly what they look like untouched. I also cropped to 100% so you could really see the noise. exif data should all be intact.
(all shots are ss/400, f/2.8, iso 6400)
100% crop
100% crop