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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southlake, TX

    U13 Soccer - C & C needed!

    Some shots at a recent soccer game. Please offer thoughts and suggestions. Thanks.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails U13 Soccer - C & C needed!-k1.jpg   U13 Soccer - C & C needed!-k2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: U13 Soccer - C & C needed!

    You've caught the action, but there's a lot of shadow on their faces.
    I know there's not much you can do sometimes, but if you had a choice of position on the field then shooting with the sun behind you would be better.

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  3. #3
    Almost There...... ciddog91's Avatar
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    Detroit, MI, USA

    Re: U13 Soccer - C & C needed!

    I think Paul summed it up. You have action, but shadows are always a problem. Sometimes you cannot always get to the right spot.

    Good start and I look forward to some future postings.

    Nice job..
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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Long Beach, CA

    Re: U13 Soccer - C & C needed!

    I think both shots are pretty good. You did a nice job capturing the action, especially in the second one.

    Your first one looks good and I think the shadows add some nice depth to it. Now the second one is a bit dark all-around and could use to be brightened up a bit. This is something I usually do with a slight curves adjustment.

    The first one looks like you were standing and the second one looks like you were possibly kneeling. Getting a low perspective when shooting sports adds a lot of impact in the action, especially when the athlete is in the air. Also your depth looks good. Anybody who shoots youth sports knows that there's usually a lot of activity around the field and you can't always get a clear background. Soccer is a fast moving game and I think you did very well.

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  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Southlake, TX

    Re: U13 Soccer - C & C needed!

    Thanks all! I haven't learned much on the processing side yet aside from some sharpening and minor contrast, saturation etc... Next step in my evolution...

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