I have a feeling many photos of this baby great horned owl must be floating around on the net by now. I took them yesterday and, no doubt, I was not the only one there. I guess some of them may have been training their cameras on the owls all day. Thousands of photos must have been taken of the baby owls as quite a few of them just shot in burst mode. Me? One shot at a time Not great images but just want to share them with those of you who have never seen baby owls before.
There are three baby owls all together in that nest. This one was the closest to us.
See where they are ?
Closer and from another angle:
Just like its parents, most of the time its eyes were closed.
Too bad I missed the one when the owl spread its wings.
And you've met one of its parents before:
It's hiding pretty well, too!
I think the two parents have been staying there since winter. Last time I was there it was March 25. A bunch of us was watching one of the adult owls got harassed by two crows, one on the right and the other one on the left. The crows were screaming at the owl the whole time. One even dropped twigs on to the owl. If it were me I would have killed the crows right then and there...with them screaming at me non-stop like that But, the owl basically just stood its ground, literally, stayed in the nest (where the baby owls are in the photos) and did nothing. Once in a while it would spread its wings and scream back when the crows went a bit too close. I was told by one of the spectators that the owl was protecting its egg. Don't know how the harassments ended but, apparently, the eggs were saved.
Oh, that adult owl that you saw in my other photo, it's still sitting there.