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Thread: Skydiving shots

  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Skydiving shots

    First time I've posted here in Sports. Here are a few freefall photography shots (more in ViewFinder). Most were taken with a helmet mounted camera in freefall.

    The one with the jumpers diving out of the back of the Chinook helicopter was taken by their flight engineer whom I lent my camera to and asked to snap some pix (I think he should take up photography). The others were by me with my fancy helmet camera.

    Haven't done this in awhile -- It was fun while it lasted.

    Edit - The one with the twisted lines was a near-malfunction. Luckily, I was able to quickly clear it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Skydiving shots-chambersburgskydivingexit2_crop1.jpg   Skydiving shots-parachutetwist1_px640.jpg   Skydiving shots-schweinfurtexit1_px640.jpg   Skydiving shots-skydive2_px640.jpg   Skydiving shots-skydiveexit1_px640.jpg  

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Skydiving shots

    Theres just something wrong with jumpimg out of a perfectly good airplane

    I like the bottom one here.

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    Canon 300mm f2.8 USM IS
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    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

  3. #3
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Skydiving shots

    JS, it's addictive.
    One girl in our office was a parachutist, and she said the rush was everything.
    Even after losing her boyfriend to a double failure, within 6 months she was jumping again.
    There's a risk taker in all of us I think, I do mine on 4 wheels on the track.

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Skydiving shots

    Hey Paul - sorry to hear about your co-worker's boyfriend. A double malfunction is a very, very unusual situation... I've actually only heard of it happening one other time. The normal procedure if you get a parachute malfunction is to immediately dump your main and fire your reserve, and if that one malfunctions, then try to clear it by yanking on the lines, whatever. (of course you have no other options at that pt...). Good luck with the racing btw.

    JS, it might seem like a strange concept to risk it all for sport, but the equipment is top-notch and we only jump under ideal conditions. The fellow on the bottom shot payed for my jump for photographing him here. I think he eventually got out of the sport and went into flying.

    Photography Software and Post Processing Forum Moderator. Visit here!

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