The past two nights I made my yearly trek to the county fair with night 1 being quad flat drags and night two being the small car Enduro race and the demo derby and as usual both nights had their share of action,
1: One local had a thing about doing wheelies on his quad, this one almost went over though
2: Sisterly love? Big sis beats little sis....but little sis went home with a trophy.
3: one of the 400cc quads
4: a tire full of water bursts
5: with a fender flapping in the breeze and two flat front tires this guy is still beating on the opposition (somehow this one got in twice...oh well)
6: more enfuro action
7: one of the best hits of the night
9: getting read for the main event
So far so good, two more nights to go, another demo derby and motocross with motorcycles and quads.