Another from Little India in Singapore. I think that there are problems with this photograph and was really not sure whether or not I should post it. I'd like to remove the wooden object on the metal counter on the far right of the image but don't want to crop the figure in the shadows any further, the lights create an interesting light but do they add any value to the image themselves (plus they are really overexposed)...these are some of the questions I have faced over this image. Although nothing to be done, I also feel that some of the quality has been lost converting the file to meet the forum requirements. Saying that, I liked the composition and the overall scene, particularly the interesting lighting and the well guarded bucket of bank notes, the fish stacked high to the left of the image and the shoppers arms, would really welcome any input that you can offer. Please also feel free to edit this if you think that you can help!!
Many thanks!