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Thread: Gym lighting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    McCordsville, IN

    Gym lighting

    There are gyms that are dungeons, and then there are some that just blow you away with how bright they are. Yo never know the first time when going somewhere what you'll find, but if your reall lucky you'll find one like this one pictired below. The schools AD told me that this place used to be worse than one of the local schools I shoot at regularly and they redid the lighting a couple years ago. This place is so bright that when you shoot from the floor you can set your ISO to 800 and shoot at 250 - 320, and shooting down towards the court you can shoot at 400. No strobes needed here :thumbsup:

    So lets see some of your best and worst gym lighting.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gym lighting-js063818.jpg  
    Canon 1D
    Canon 1D MK II N
    Canon 70-200mm USM IS f2.8
    Canon 200mm f1.8 USM
    Canon 300mm f2.8 USM IS
    Canon 28-300mm USM IS f3.5-5.6
    Canon 50mm f1.8
    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    McCordsville, IN

    Re: Gym lighting

    This is one of my "normal" gyms I shoot at and this is untouched except for resizing. This one was shot at ISO 1600 Shutter 200 with 70-200 f2.8. This place really needs some new lighting!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gym lighting-js063757.jpg  
    Canon 1D
    Canon 1D MK II N
    Canon 70-200mm USM IS f2.8
    Canon 200mm f1.8 USM
    Canon 300mm f2.8 USM IS
    Canon 28-300mm USM IS f3.5-5.6
    Canon 50mm f1.8
    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Greenville, KY, USA

    Re: Gym lighting

    This is one of the better gyms I have since the new lights were installed at both of our local high schools. As JS said above, the angle used has an effect on the shutter speed that's possible. I only WISH I had a venue that I could get ISO 800 in without flash. Oh well, such is the world of HS sports.:mad2:

    Also, the second shot was during the home team's player intros and the visitors didn't want their team left in the dark. Pretty cool idea I thought.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Gym lighting-north-south2.jpg   Gym lighting-nolightsout_small.jpg  
    Daniel - PixElite Photography
    I use Nikon Professional gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    McCordsville, IN

    Re: Gym lighting

    I found out recently that one school (the one I posted in the top shot) will be getting new lighting in the gym when they do their new construction at the school. The drawback is that my property taxes will more than double to pay for the $77 million dollar project!

    Canon 1D
    Canon 1D MK II N
    Canon 70-200mm USM IS f2.8
    Canon 200mm f1.8 USM
    Canon 300mm f2.8 USM IS
    Canon 28-300mm USM IS f3.5-5.6
    Canon 50mm f1.8
    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Greenville, KY, USA

    Re: Gym lighting

    Ah yes, the pre-election spending sprees. Isn't it wonderful that they can spend our money and get recognized for it before most people realize that they are footing the bill? Oh well, I just try and look at it as beneficial in some way to the kids and that somehow makes it feel slightly better.
    Daniel - PixElite Photography
    I use Nikon Professional gear.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    McCordsville, IN

    Re: Gym lighting

    Yeah, the benefit is the kids will now be able to the basket without searching for it the dungeon
    Seriously, the lighting is so bad I get a headache shooting there!

    Canon 1D
    Canon 1D MK II N
    Canon 70-200mm USM IS f2.8
    Canon 200mm f1.8 USM
    Canon 300mm f2.8 USM IS
    Canon 28-300mm USM IS f3.5-5.6
    Canon 50mm f1.8
    Vivitar 19-35mm f3.5-5.6

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