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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Text Sizes in Photoshop

    Hi, how can I keep text sizes consistent at output if the source images are different resolutions? For example I want 12pt font on two photos, one is 400x600, the other is 4000x6000. Assume that saving the images at the same resolution is not an option. Thanks

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Text Sizes in Photoshop

    You can't, unless I'm mistaken. After creating the image with its text and saving (as a JPG, GIF, whatever..), it is no longer vector graphics, just dots like everything else in the image.

    It will be interesting to see if someone here can come up with a way to get around this.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Text Sizes in Photoshop

    Ive tried getting around this myself and concluded that I couldn't. Resizing image resolution, or adjusting font size has been fine for me, so I dont really need to. I'm guessing that its for a mass production workflow that you are wanting to do this?

    If this is for a printed photo situation: if you create a template for each image, resize each image to the appropriate printed size i.e. 4x6" at 300 DPI resolution, you can fix the font for each printed size. After resizing to the specific print size, throw the template as a layer on top of the image. Before I print anything, I resize to exact image size @ 300DPI, there is no sense sending more than 300DPI to the printer.

    As far as adjusting a universal size adaptation sort of thing for all resolutions, I really dont think theres a way either.

    Anyway I dont know if that will help you for your specific situation, if you could give us more details someone might know the best workaround for your specific needs.

  4. #4
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    Re: Text Sizes in Photoshop

    The idea in this case is to create a calendar of environmental/social issues where each is explained with a quick sentence. I anticipate the file sizes not being the same and was hoping there was a way to standardize the text, but I may try creating a macro that uses up X% of vertical and fits a text box from there. Don't know how it will work out.

    I don't want to plan on making every picture the same resolution. In an exaggerated example, I would have 8 photos 4000x6000 and 4 photos 400x600. I don't want to lose any quality from the 8 good ones but having even slightly different text sizes would bug me a lot for some reason.

  5. #5
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Text Sizes in Photoshop

    I wrote this as part of the script for PSP a long time ago and seemed to work satisfactorly.

    /* work out if its portrait or landscape and take the longest edge
    ImageMaxDimension = max(App.TargetDocument.Width, App.TargetDocument.Height)
    /* work out the scaling factor for the font size
    TextScaleFactor = max(1.8, float(ImageMaxDimension) / 1000.0)
    /* create an integer for the font size
    TextSize = int(24.0 * TextScaleFactor)

    Hope that helps.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Text Sizes in Photoshop

    I have a pretty good amount of programming experience (including javascript) but I'm not sure how to import the script into photoshop or what the script must include. I'm busy googling now, but I see nothing obvious. Could you link me somewhere or quickly write out the steps? I'm sorry to ask so much from you

    edit/ disregard. I posted about 10 minutes too soon

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