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  1. #1
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    I downloaded a freeware program called "StereoPhoto Maker" ( Then I made two stereo pairs by taking two pictures in succession (one slightly to the left of the other). I loaded the photos into StereoPhoto Maker which corrected the alignment. These two pairs are the result.

    The photos are not much in themselves of course but they demonstrate a clear stereo effect (using the parallel method).

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: StereoPhotoMaker

    So what is it doing...? Is is creating a pano?
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  3. #3
    drg is offline
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    Re: StereoPhotoMaker

    Quote Originally Posted by GB1
    So what is it doing...? Is is creating a pano?
    This is the Stereo-opticon illusion, or binocular 3-D effect.

    Remember those little slide viewer binoculars with the photo wheels? You would look into them and see panoramic vistas, tourist attractions, or animals or whatever in '3-D'. Circa 1960's anyway and they may have survived a while after that. Two transparencies of the same thing taken on a special camera at the same time. Two lenses separated by about the same distance as human eyes are spaced. When viewed at the same bi-location or spacing you get a 3-Dimensional effect.

    These pictures you put a piece of paper or even your hand between them and then your nose on the paper or your hand and stare at the the two images one with each eye. Your brain will 'construct' an image with depth of field, usually for most people.

    Generally falls under optical illusions or now under one of the neuro science disciplines.
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  4. #4
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: StereoPhotoMaker

    Stereo views use to be the big thing back in the days before electricity and TV's. I have a friend who makes a lot of stereo cards and sells them at art fairs. He even received a grant from the state to go around to historical places and create stereo views of them. He has a 2-camera rig that he uses to capture his images at the same time so he doesn't have to worry about the subject moving between photos. He also creates 3-D images where you use the red/green classes to look at prints. Pretty cool stuff.

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  5. #5
    banished Don Schaeffer's Avatar
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    Re: StereoPhotoMaker

    I ordered a Holmes Stereoscope from E-Bay and I am making my own stereo cards (this program makes very traditional looking ones). I use one camera. Take an image them move a little to the side to make another image. Stereophotomaker rectifies the images, correcting small tilt differences.

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