New to forum and digital... so excuse ignorance! Spent many years in military Combat Camera and am now a dinosaur in photography all of a sudden!!!
I need help in selecting a resolution setting for my camera. It is a Canon Powershot 720IS. I shot quite a few photos on a European trip and tried to assemble them in a slide program using the Canon software, Microsoft software and Sony editor to make a slide show DVD. In all cases, it was impossible to make the photos load and sequence as I tried to edit them.
I have been told that my file sizes are too big for the process and I should have shot at a lower resolution. Is that the case? If so, what resolution should I use? Also, can someone suggest a tutorial on this subject? Also, can someone suggest a good editing program for the purpose. I have a decent book on digital photography but can't find a clue in it. The end use of most of my photos will be DVD for slide show type viewing. Occasional printing (8x10 maximum size) would be a secondary use for the images.
I plan to eventually graduate to a digital SLR after I have learned some digital principles (hopefully to use some of the fine Takumar lenses that I own!).
Many thanks for the help!