Hi! I'm just going next week to buy my first DSLR ever, and ive been doing a lot of reading on many things. My question for today is, when im saving a file, what is the best way to go about the whole process?
I have many programs of which i used for other reasons, including Adobe CS4 (which is compatible with the camera im planning to buy), and i was wondering if anyone has any personal experience / recommendations for saving files to raw, then swapping to tiff on a computer afterwards. Ive read for a couple days now on all of the pros and cons, and i just wanted to hear a couple peoples opinions.
Also, i was wondering if someone could answer two other simple questions: If i have photos on a compact flash / SD card, can i just plug the card into my computer (in a card reader) and load them to my computer that way? Also, about how long would it take to convert 100-200 raw files to tiff? Would it be a couple seconds each?
Thanks in advance.