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  1. #1
    Member Bluesman1952's Avatar
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    Problems Converting Raw files

    Hi - Haven't been here for a bit due to illness. I have a Nikon 300s and shoot nearly all my photos in Raw. The problem I am encountering is the conversion to Jpeg.
    I use ViewNX to open and process the file, and when I start out, the file is generally 35 megabytes in size. When I convert the file to Jpeg, even if I don't crop off anything, my new Jpeg file is roughly between 88 -150 kilobytes????

    What AM I doing wrong?
    Joe Cal


  2. #2
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    are you downsizing the resolution? I can't imagine a 12 megapixel resolution being that size with any level of compression.

  3. #3
    Member Bluesman1952's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol
    are you downsizing the resolution? I can't imagine a 12 megapixel resolution being that size with any level of compression.
    Hi anbesol.
    No, I have looked at the settings within ViewNX and there are no boxes checked to change size or resolution and it is set to Best Quality. It has me crazy.
    I wouldn't mind so much because I keep all my photos in Raw for my own use, but I also upload photos to various web sites that only accept Jpeg. From 35megs down to 188 kilobytes is rediculous
    Joe Cal


  4. #4
    Senior Member Medley's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Are you using a "save for web" option of some sort?
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  5. #5
    Member Bluesman1952's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by Medley
    Are you using a "save for web" option of some sort?
    No, I don't even have that option with ViewNX.

    I don't know what it is, but it is annoying. I may as well shoot everything in JPEG.
    Joe Cal


  6. #6
    drg is offline
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesman1952
    No, I don't even have that option with ViewNX.

    I don't know what it is, but it is annoying. I may as well shoot everything in JPEG.
    Are you doing any editing in one of these 'other' programs such as a Photoshop Elements variant? If you are passing the image file back and forth from one program to another for added cropping, adjustments, or other changes, each transfer can create a 'save' that will further reduce the image file 'size'. Loss of quality.

    The other thing is what dimensions (L x W) are you saving? If it is the original that the camera produced (3k x 4k or the like) then something else is stepping on the file. If you are reducing the file to say a 1200 x 800 pixel image, the re-sizing algorithm in ViewNX may need to be adjusted in a setup parameter to produce higher quality?

    So I'd check-
    1. Any other software in the workflow?
    2. Any multiple saves and re-save that further reduce image quality?
    3. Is there resizing involved?
    4. Any special modes like 'save-for-web' or restricted size?
    5. Setup or default parameters that restricting or reducing output quality?
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  7. #7
    Member Bluesman1952's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by drg
    Are you doing any editing in one of these 'other' programs such as a Photoshop Elements variant? If you are passing the image file back and forth from one program to another for added cropping, adjustments, or other changes, each transfer can create a 'save' that will further reduce the image file 'size'. Loss of quality.

    The other thing is what dimensions (L x W) are you saving? If it is the original that the camera produced (3k x 4k or the like) then something else is stepping on the file. If you are reducing the file to say a 1200 x 800 pixel image, the re-sizing algorithm in ViewNX may need to be adjusted in a setup parameter to produce higher quality?

    So I'd check-
    1. Any other software in the workflow?
    2. Any multiple saves and re-save that further reduce image quality?
    3. Is there resizing involved?
    4. Any special modes like 'save-for-web' or restricted size?
    5. Setup or default parameters that restricting or reducing output quality?
    I don't know what happened but I think it is better. I went through the 5 steps you posted above and I do not do any of those things except there is another software.
    There is a box to check in ViewNX that asks if you want to change the size, and that box has always been unchecked. I just tried a 14.2 mb Raw photo, converted it to Jpeg with no changes, and it was reduced to 5.5 mb, which is a lot better. The original file size was 4288 X 2848. I don't know what it could have been. I guess when I convert the file to Jpeg, then do my editing, that's when the reduction comes. I don't like the editing in ViewNX as much as I like Paint Shop Pro..I imagine that's where I am losing the image size.
    Joe Cal


  8. #8
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluesman1952
    I don't know what happened but I think it is better. I went through the 5 steps you posted above and I do not do any of those things except there is another software.
    There is a box to check in ViewNX that asks if you want to change the size, and that box has always been unchecked. I just tried a 14.2 mb Raw photo, converted it to Jpeg with no changes, and it was reduced to 5.5 mb, which is a lot better. The original file size was 4288 X 2848. I don't know what it could have been. I guess when I convert the file to Jpeg, then do my editing, that's when the reduction comes. I don't like the editing in ViewNX as much as I like Paint Shop Pro..I imagine that's where I am losing the image size.
    I would not edit in jpg. Render the RAW to a tif for non-RAW editing and then change it to jpg as the very last thing you do if you need a jpg. I would save the RAW, save the edited tif and dump the jpg after using it. - Terry
    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
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  9. #9
    Member Bluesman1952's Avatar
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    Re: Problems Converting Raw files

    Quote Originally Posted by OldClicker
    I would not edit in jpg. Render the RAW to a tif for non-RAW editing and then change it to jpg as the very last thing you do if you need a jpg. I would save the RAW, save the edited tif and dump the jpg after using it. - Terry
    Thanks Terry....The ONLY time I need Jpeg is if I want to show off some family pics online. Most applications won't take anything else.

    I have to get used to ViewNX for editing. I am more or less "new" taking fine digital photos.

    I do not want to use the 300s as a point and shoot camera. That's a waste.
    Thanks for the tip!
    Joe Cal


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