I am currently running Photoshop CS2, considering the upgrade to CS4. On one hand, all that I want to do with my photo's, I can do with CS2 just fine. On the other hand, if CS4 does it better, faster, and/or more efficiently, I should go for that. The biggest draw for me to CS4 is processing Raws from my A700. CS2 doesn't work with Sony's A700 format raw, so I have to use lightroom when I do process raw, its a hassle and a bother to add this step in the workflow, much more keeping the photos organized, as a result I don't use Raw as much as I'd like. Some people love lightroom, I like my software a lot more simple and straightforward.
How well does it interact with printer profiles too? I've read some mixed things on that...
Thank you for any input.