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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Photoshop question: USM & 16-bit

    I understand that the unsharp mask filter should be the last operation performed, but does that include converting from 16-bit to 8-bit before you use USM, or should you use the larger file to perform USM and then convert to 8-bit?

    I've been converting first then sharpening.


  2. #2
    drg is offline
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    Re: Photoshop question: USM & 16-bit

    Sharpen your 'final edit' file last.

    When you say converting are you saving out a file of an 8-bit (JPEG) image and then reloading and sharpening? If so stop!

    Perform all your edits on the largest possible file (a copy of course) including sharpening with USM as the last step. Then let Adobe Photoshop or the editor of your choice save the appropriate file size/type (JPEG, TIF, PSD, GIG, etc) for you.

    Converting to anything from your best data will degrade what you are ultimately able to achieve.

    You still may want to pre-sharpen earlier during/along with the RAW conversions for comparison or evaluation of the image.
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Philadelphia, PA

    Re: Photoshop question: USM & 16-bit

    I use Digital Photo Pro to convert my Canon raw file (*.crw - canon's raw file type) to a TIFF file - any edits are done on, and saved as, a TIFF file - then I save another copy as jpeg for my website.


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