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Thread: Photoshop help

  1. #1
    Sony A350 Owner, way amature photo hobby
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    Photoshop help

    I ahve been using picnik to edit my files... but I am going to be taking a photoshop course in a few weeks (at a local college). I am interested in purcahsing photoshop, but I am wondering which one do I want to buy and where is the best place to buy (online I am guessing).

  2. #2
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    I'm going straight the the second part. Buy it through the college for the student price. - TF
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    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    OK, more time now.

    I would imagine that you will want whatever is being taught in the class. Adobe has Photoshop (current version= CS4) and Photoshop Elements (current= Version 8). Elements is much cheaper and has more functionality than most of us will ever use. Version 8 has some steep PC requirements, though, so check it out. CS4 is the real thing. I don't think anyone actually pays the full price.

    Like I said in the first reply, the educational discount would probably be the best buy. They may have to order it, so check well before the beginning of class.

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    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Educational price for PhotoShop CS4 is a steal but it is still costly in the Portland State University book store its about $3XX.XX which is the reason I have never purchase it. Paint Shop Pro & Gimp have all the functionality of PhotoShop CS4 but they are not the real thing.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Before buying download the trial versions of all. See if any of those suits you, you might realize that the only way to go is PS, or you might end up liking one of the others.

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  6. #6
    n8 is offline
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    Re: Photoshop help

    I'm going to hijack this thread a bit just to ask what some functions are in CS4 that are not available in elements or something free like I'm primarily concerned with being able stitch panoramic's (which I know there's freeware for), manipulating raw files, stacking images with multiple focal points, etc...

  7. #7
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by thecounsel
    I'm going to hijack this thread a bit just to ask what some functions are in CS4 that are not available in elements or something free like I'm primarily concerned with being able stitch panoramic's (which I know there's freeware for), manipulating raw files, stacking images with multiple focal points, etc...
    There are not any real good freeware panorama stitching programs. I have found that Smoky City Designs, Panorama Factory is very good and it's 1/4 or 1/5 the price of Stitch It. Of course if I was shooting indoor gigs for full spherical virtual tours I would purchase Stitch It in a heart beat! But for landscape panoramas you can't beat Panorama factory. Link:

    I can't find the link to Stitch It but it was at one time priced at $499.00. a few years ago.

    A good source is at

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  8. #8
    Seasoned Amateur WesternGuy's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    nneuhaus101, regardless of what you purchase or where you purchase it, make sure it will run under the Operating system on your PC. For example, it is my understanding that Photoshop Elements (PSE) Version 6 will not run under Windows 7 (please correct me if I am wrong) and that PSE 7 will run under W7, but that some people have had a few problems with it. I have just purchased PSE 8 and it seems to run well under W7. You may want to check the websites and associated discussion forums for any product you are considering. My 0.02¢ worth. HTH.



  9. #9
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by freygr
    Paint Shop Pro & Gimp have all the functionality of PhotoShop CS4 but they are not the real thing.
    If they had all the functionality of CS4 there would be no reason to use CS4. There's a reason people cough up the big bucks for the full version of Photoshop. It has no competitor.

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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by freygr
    Educational price for PhotoShop CS4 is a steal but it is still costly in the Portland State University book store its about $3XX.XX which is the reason I have never purchase it. Paint Shop Pro & Gimp have all the functionality of PhotoShop CS4 but they are not the real thing.

    You should be able to purchase just PS 4 for around 100-175 at the school. Cal Poly has CS4 Master Suite for $499 or $599 I think. I would buy it through their bookstore.

    The ones they have in the box are STUDENT versions, but I have heard they offer ones not in the box and that they are the full versions and not only that they are less expensive!

  11. #11
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by Photo-John
    If they had all the functionality of CS4 there would be no reason to use CS4. There's a reason people cough up the big bucks for the full version of Photoshop. It has no competitor.
    I'm currently learning CS4 because it is the industry standard I.E. what everybody else uses but I have to tell you, I haven't found anything yet that CS4 does that PSP does not, and VERY FEW things that CS4 does marginally better. I think the reason most people cough up the big bucks for it is the same reason people are beating each other over the head at Toys Я Us to get one of those stupid hamsters this Christmas, everybody knows a guy that knows a guy that heard from a pro that nothing else compares, and very few actually know anyone that has taken any real initiative and compared them. I've used PSP for about 10 years now. You tell me what Photoshop can do, and I'll tell you how to do it in Paint Shop (except of course saving in .DNG format, although it can save in .PSD )

  12. #12
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    Re: Photoshop help

    For what it may be worth, I use Elements V 8 and have found that it fulfills all my needs - and then some. Very happy with it!

    Warm wishes,

  13. #13
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim
    I'm currently learning CS4 because it is the industry standard I.E. what everybody else uses but I have to tell you, I haven't found anything yet that CS4 does that PSP does not, and VERY FEW things that CS4 does marginally better. I think the reason most people cough up the big bucks for it is the same reason people are beating each other over the head at Toys Я Us to get one of those stupid hamsters this Christmas, everybody knows a guy that knows a guy that heard from a pro that nothing else compares, and very few actually know anyone that has taken any real initiative and compared them. I've used PSP for about 10 years now. You tell me what Photoshop can do, and I'll tell you how to do it in Paint Shop (except of course saving in .DNG format, although it can save in .PSD )

    Export to ILLUSTRATOR to make large banner wraps?

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    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by ianjenn
    Export to ILLUSTRATOR to make large banner wraps?
    Nope, PSP can export in .ai or.eps formats, but I have found one thing so far that PSP can't do: lenticular interlacing. Don't know how I ever survived all these years without that little nugget

  15. #15
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Quote Originally Posted by jetrim
    I'm currently learning CS4 because it is the industry standard I.E. what everybody else uses but I have to tell you, I haven't found anything yet that CS4 does that PSP does not, and VERY FEW things that CS4 does marginally better. I think the reason most people cough up the big bucks for it is the same reason people are beating each other over the head at Toys Я Us to get one of those stupid hamsters this Christmas, everybody knows a guy that knows a guy that heard from a pro that nothing else compares, and very few actually know anyone that has taken any real initiative and compared them. I've used PSP for about 10 years now. You tell me what Photoshop can do, and I'll tell you how to do it in Paint Shop (except of course saving in .DNG format, although it can save in .PSD )

    Interesting that you point this out Jet. Though I haven't used PSP in years, I agree that other apps like Corel PhotoPaint do the common stuff just as well as Photoshop and un many cases better, like sharpening and providing a nice one-stop screen for common adjustments (the Image Adjustment Lab allows you to adjust Temperature, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast, Highlights, Shadow, Midtone, etc all in one place), etc. But at the same time, there's nothing like PS' Spot Healing, layers, and smorgasbord of filters. I guess it depends on what one uses the application for. I still have CS2 btw, wonder if CS4 is really that much of an improvement?
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  16. #16
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop help

    Someone asked what's in CS4 that one would need above PSE.

    Well having used both there are three things that I would like in PSE from CS

    1. Curves adjustment
    2. Lab mode
    3. Record actions

    That's it, by the way I have PSE 6, CS2, PSP, and LR

    However, I find that most of my adjustments happen in LR which has curves adjustment, or move to PSP which manages all of the above. I have PSP 10 as well which in some respects does many things better that CS because their easier to find but a pain to switch between the two because the user interface is so different.

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