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  1. #1
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    photos flipped wrong way :-/

    if i take a picture sideways my camera (i have a nikon d60) rotates it automatically, so that when i look at the picture on both my camera and the software on my computer it's the right way round. however, when i upload these pics on to the internet to show friends (on facebook, myspace etc.), they come out flipped the wrong way! how can i get them to come out the right way? even when i go back to the photo on my software and flip it back and forth it still always comes out flipped the wrong way when i upload it. help anyone?

  2. #2
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: photos flipped wrong way :-/

    Somewhere in your software there should be an option to automatically show portraits sideways. Turn it off. Now you should be able to designate its orientation. – TF
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  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: photos flipped wrong way :-/

    Alison - I've noticed the same thing: I usually rotate the image using Corel PhotoPaint but sometimes the viewer app, like Firefox or whatever, doesn't recognize that it's now turned and displays it incorrectly. Interesting enough, Photoshop doesn't recognize it either, but if I rotate (and save) it in Photoshop then everything recognizes the correct orientation.

    I am guessing that there's a setting in the JPEG data that states orientation and that some apps don't do it consistently or that there's more than one way to set it and some viewers only recognize one way

    I'd recommend you repost this one in the Help section and see what everyone else thinks..

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  4. #4
    Member byjamesderuvoDHQ's Avatar
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    Re: photos flipped wrong way :-/

    When you change it, do you actually save it? Don't expect the saving to be automatic. In fact, I would use a photo mangement tool like Photoshop Elements, copy the entire picture and put it in a second file. Save it to strip any problems and email that.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: photos flipped wrong way :-/

    Yes, I do save it. But still when I try to upload it to anywhere on the internet it comes out the wrong way. I've turned off the automatic rotate setting on my camera and I still have the same problem. I usually do what GB1 says and rotate and save them in photoshop but it's just annoying to have to do that, plus when I open photos in photoshop the colors in the picture come out way stronger and i have to "desaturate" them before saving them so that they look more like the original. Anyway, thanks everyone! GB1, I'll take your advice and post this in the Help section. thanks!

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