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  1. #1
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    LR4.1 before and after

    From the OM-D E-M5 shot in RAW to allow tweaking of the shadows and highlights.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails LR4.1 before and after-_6283618.jpg   LR4.1 before and after-_6283618-2.jpg  

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  2. #2
    Woe is me! wfooshee's Avatar
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    Re: LR4.1 before and after

    It still amazes me how much stuff is captured on a RAW frame that you can't see when you start working on it!!!

    I was going to suggest maybe that the outdoor part of the image got a little too much from the edit, maybe some combination of the two would work. I went ahead as a personal experiment and downloaded them to my PC and did that, made a couple of selections and copy/pastes, just a little tweaking, and the best of each makes a really nice image. Not knowing your "edit-me" feelings I won't post it, but you should give it a try!
    Last edited by wfooshee; 07-05-2012 at 07:51 AM.

  3. #3
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: LR4.1 before and after

    This was mostly global changes, not masked edits (I haven't got the layers plugin for LR).
    I'm sure with proper layered/area selections it can be improved.

    Go ahead and post your version!

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  4. #4
    Woe is me! wfooshee's Avatar
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    Re: LR4.1 before and after

    Yeah, no layers would make life difficult if you're counting on having the ability. :cryin: But I know nothing of Lightroom, having never seen it.

    I selected the lightened building interior, the car interior lower part, and the car interior roof part, as 3 separate pieces, pasted them onto the original darker image. I made all three sections just a bit darker than you had, so they didn't stand out as artificial, but they still left plenty visible features that were hidden in the original.

    I spent maybe 20 minutes on it, and I wasn't real careful with the selection edges.....

  5. #5
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: LR4.1 before and after

    That last post is definitely it -- it has good HDR qualities, taking the best of both images and merging them. Nice work, and interesting original image too,

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  6. #6
    Woe is me! wfooshee's Avatar
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    Re: LR4.1 before and after

    Interesting that you used the term HDR. Something like this is what I've always believed HDR was for, and not the cartoony computer-paint effect you see so often.

    But I didn't do it with HDR (and I know you didn't say I did, you're just expressing the result,) I did it with old-school copy and paste. We get the shadow detail we want, without blowing the bright areas as far, and we don't get the HDR artifacts of cartoon-paint and halos.

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