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  1. #1
    drg is offline
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    Lightroom 2.6 Release Candidate

    Adobe has made available the 2.6 Release Candidate of Lightroom prior to it official upgrade designation. This is standard procedure for them with new versions that are about to go live. This final 'check' with users is normally followed in short time with an official automatic distribution.

    It is available at the Adobe Labs website at this link:

    New camera support is the primary feature of this incremental version which is/will be echoed in the Adobe Camera Raw, DNG converter, and other software supporting RAW files from Adobe. List below.

    There are some differences listed at the above link between the Mac and the Windows version. The main difference is the Windows version will replace the current 2.5 release whereas the MAC version installs in parallel.

    New Cameras include:
    - EOS 7d
    - PowerShot G11
    - Powershot S90

    LEAF Aptus II

    MAMIYA D and M Series (several)



    PENTAX K-x


    SIGMA DP1s

    - A500
    - A550
    - A850
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  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom 2.6 Release Candidate

    Thanks for posting this, Carleton. I was on the road yesterday, driving from SLC to the Bay Area so I didn't get a chance to post it myself. I posted a link to this page on our Facebook page today, though.

    It looks like this new release has made a big difference for Canon EOS 7D users. You could do RAW conversions in Lightroom previously, but they seemed a little off. I checked one of the EOS 7D Flickr groups and people are saying that the color is better with 7D conversions now. Maybe noise will be a little more controlled now, too. I will need to install it myself and see.

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  3. #3
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom 2.6 Release Candidate

    The official 2.6 version is released. I postponed the install hoping to hear some feedback first.
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  4. #4
    drg is offline
    la recherche de trolls drg's Avatar
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    Route 66

    Re: Lightroom 2.6 Release Candidate


    Thanks for noting that the 2.6 version is 'official'.

    For those users running Lightroom on a Mac, this is a bit more important than with a Windows Machine. The issues other than camera compatibility addressed are mostly Mac version related.

    Of course if you have one of the newer cameras now supported, I hope you are working with you new upgraded version Lightroom already!
    CDPrice 'drg'
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