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    Kodak Easyshare Alternative

    Hi, I am a newcomer to the forum and need a little help with some software questions. I currently use a Kodak Z612 digital camera and Kodak's Easyshare software. The software isn't very versatile. Questions: What photo software do you recommend? and how would I download my Easyshare albums to the new software? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kodak Kid

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Kodak Easyshare Alternative

    I wish I could help Kodakkid, but I haven't used Easyshare in awhile (many many years !!). I think what you're asking for is software that will assist in downloading your images from your Kodak camera, and displaying all the images in the folder that it downloaded them too, and, let's you do a few edits, though not enough.

    I think the problem that many here will have is,that we don't use the automated software any more, but do it manually so to put the files where we want, etc. That's what I do anyway. I just look at the camera as another hard drive and copy the files to where I want.

    At that pt you can use many programs to view them: Google Picasa, Adobe Bridge (I think) and even the Windows Explorer, which in Vista has a nice resizing control for images. Many of them allow you to do simple edits, like rotations, etc. But if you really want to edit them, you have to open them in another program that's designed for that -- Elements, Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint, GIMP, etc.

    I hope this helps somewhat. I think those automated tools are great but unfortunately I gave up on them long ago because I could never do what I wanted to do!

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