Ok guys, I purchased Portrait Professional today, on sale in August for $49, and I'm now seeing what it can do. This was mostly motivated by necessity while editing the photos of a model I shot several weeks ago. I realize she probably should have used more MU to smooth out her skin, though amplified by my snafu of shooting most shots about 1 f-stop under (that's another story), and recovering it in PP.
Anyway - I'm using Portrait Professional and comparing the images below, you will see that it is not only doing its job in smoothing things out - successfully I feel - but also actually changes things... you can see that her lips and esp her nose have actually changed shape. (It may be a little hard to tell if you can't flip between windows where they're in the same location - try opening this thread in separate tabs and doing that.)
I think the final image looks good. But .... What are your feelings on this?? I'm a little lost as to what to feel.