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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Hi new and have a question

    Hi all, I'm new to the sofeware and not sure where to start. I have read some say Photoshop, but its hard to learn. I'm looking for something to start with and learn about the editing as I go, is photoshop something that I could do that with? If some whice one if not do you have on in mind?
    Thanks for the info & help

  2. #2
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    Hey Chaser

    There are many photo editing programs out there and many are easier to use and less expensive than Photoshop (PS). Adobe also has a less sophisticated version of it called Elements that many people say is an excellent application: I've never tried it, but at less than $100 it may be the way to go and to learn. There's also Corel PhotoPaint (similar to Elements), Gimp (free), and a slew of others.

    Regardless of which you choose, there will be a lot for you to learn about with post processing. The issue with starting with PS is that you also have a steep learning curve with the software , rather than just the domain. I've been messing with it for years off and on and still haven't really figured it out -- I mostly use Corel products.

    Anyway, I hope this helps!

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  3. #3
    Almost There...... ciddog91's Avatar
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    I would suggest you really consider PS Elements. It is about $89 and is a very good editing software. I also suggest you get a book for Elements. There are several out there that explain and help you with Elements. I have one called PS Elements, The Missing Manual by Barbara Brundage. They have one for each edition of Elements.

    Elements is a very good way to go, but it is not to complicated. Just my thoughts.

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  4. #4
    Be serious Franglais's Avatar
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    In order to have control over your images there are some image manipulation features that you need to have. The learning curve is the same whatever the tool - usually you're trying to master the feature rather than the tool.

    Photoshop (full version) is the standard for professional image manipulators. If you need to work with professionals then you had better learn it. Otherwise I can't see any reason to buy the full version because it's vastly over-priced (in my opinion).

    I used Photoshop Elements in the early days when it was a slightly cut-down version of full Photoshop. Later versions removed lots of useful features (Example: Curves) and I don't find it useful any more.

    I use Corel Paint Shop Pro. It's the same price as Photoshop Elements, has most of the features of Photoshop full version and some features Photoshop doesn't have (Example: skin smoothing). There are less books and magazine articles on PSP than on Photoshop - if I want to try an effect I've read about I always have to hunt around a bit to figure out how to do the same thing in PSP.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    I also use Corel Paint Shop Pro and I haven't found much that I can't do with it, that others can do with photoshop. However, the vast majority of resources out on the web for teaching technique are indeed geared specifically to Photoshop and like Franglais said when you want to do something similar in PSP you either figure it out from adapting the Photoshop tutorials or you hunt far and wide for PSP tutorials. I have developed a pretty extensive list of PSP tutorial/help sites, so if you decide to go this route, PM me and I'll pass along the links.

    Ohh one other thing - Corel Paint Shop Pro is on sale this month for $49.00 at their website

  6. #6
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    PS elements works for whatever I want to do and a lot more than at I haven't learned yet.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member mn shutterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    I agree re: Elements. Also, you can download a curves plugin for it.
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  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    Thanks for all the info

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    I have to agree with the "if you don't need full Photoshop get Paintshop" comments. For the price I think it's a much better deal than the Elements version of Photoshop. I tried both last year before ending up with Photoshop full version via a student discount in the end. If it hadn't been for the discount, I'd have ended up with Paintshop. I couldn't turn down Adobe CS3 Web Premium with Photoshop Extended for $270 though (CS4 was not out yet)

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Hi new and have a question

    For $50, I was considering giving PSP a go... but it is Windows-only.
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