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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Help With Cropping (P/S Elements 12)

    I have a wooden frame 18H by 24W and it contains expensive non-glare glass. I am working with a photo that contains two buildings with mountains in the background. When I set the cropping for 18 X 24, it cuts off part of one of the barns. If I set the cropping for 20X30, the full scene is contained in the image. In other words, how do I shrink down EVERYTHING to fit into my 18 X 24 frame? It makes no sense to me to have to print it 20 X 30 and buy a new frame and non-glare glass just to display all the details in this photo. Yes, I have a P/S Elements book, and I have looked this up. If I was trying to add photo information that as not in the original image, I could understand why I would have trouble. The information is there, I just need to reduce it proportionately to 18 X 24. Suggestions???

  2. #2
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Delphia, MT USA

    Re: Help With Cropping (P/S Elements 12)

    Paul, you are starting with an image ratio of 2:3 (20 X 30) and are trying to crop it to a 2:2.67 ratio (18 X 24). You can't do this without distorting the image. If I am seeing this correctly, you first need to adjust your original image to 20 X 26.7, then that will crop to 18 X 24 without trouble.

    My Website: His Creation
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Wayne Gretzky

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Help With Cropping (P/S Elements 12)

    Ken: I replied by e-mail and attached the photo in question. Maybe that is not the way to do it. Maybe all replies have to go thru this forum board. Bottom line, are you saying it is not possible to go from the raw Nikon D90 image 2:3 to 18X24 keeping all vertical and horizontal details "identical" except proportionately smaller? Perhaps I made a rookie mistake and did not leave adequate room for cropping? PS: 36 @ 6:00 PM here in OKC - what kind of temperature do you have this evening?

  4. #4
    Ken ksbryan0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Delphia, MT USA

    Re: Help With Cropping (P/S Elements 12)

    We had a bit of Chinook move in today, got up to 41 and still 38...kind of balmy and feels like Spring!

    Going from 2 X 3 to 2 X 2.67 requires a shape change, so you do need to leave room to crop the length to make that work. Or buy another frame.

    My Website: His Creation
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Wayne Gretzky

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Re: Help With Cropping (P/S Elements 12)

    I finally found it:
    1. click on image
    2. click on re-size
    3. click on image size
    4. click on resample image
    5. enter desired width & height

    Thanks for your patience. Always easier to find answers after discussion with someone.

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