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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Facebook - Instagram Will allow users to hide "Like" soon.

    Facebook (Facebook) and Instagram (Instagram) are preparing to launch a new service that allows users around the world to choose to hide the statistics of visitors who press "Like" (Like) their posts soon. this

    Reuters reported that the two popular social media platforms had been สล็อต happy testing the stealth service for years before Instagram made an official release on their blog on Wednesday. All services will be available in the coming weeks.

    Instagram CEO Adam Mosserie told reporters: The purpose of opening this “Like” stash service is to help users gain more control over their accounts. And that past tests have shown that User can hide this information. Does not affect the feeling of use in any way

    However, Instagram recently tested a small group of users around the world. To assess the idea of ​​this new service And disclose the results on their blog Some users think Being able to hide The numbers of people who can "like" are useful. But some people feel upset that they cannot show others that How popular are their posts?

    At the same time, an Instagram executive said the team did not expect. The launch of this new service will have a significant impact on User Engagement issues. After full activation

  2. #2
    Member DerekSom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    Re: Facebook - Instagram Will allow users to hide "Like" soon.

    A new spy app for facebook has appeared, read more in the article . There is nothing scandalous about a spy app for your phone, it is a very useful app that allows you to prevent or control certain situations. For example, sending your company secret information that no one should know. With this application, you can view the history of SMS messages on your corporate phone and find out who the messages were sent to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Re: Facebook - Instagram Will allow users to hide "Like" soon.

    Young people take advantage of the tools offered by this app to publish videos with their favorite music, some of them performing choreography in front of the camera or use tiktok video downloader without watermark. They also make humorous videos, imitations with fragments of other audio recordings taken from television programs, or record jokes with family or friends.

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