I've got some really nice cameras that have dead circuitry, well in a sense where the sensor itself is fine but the circuitry that runs the sensor and other parts is not functioning. I don't know if it is possible to salvage these sensors and use them somehow? I just have an urge to fix them or use them somehow. I have three broken cameras that I know of, one is 3mpg does video and pictures, an hd 5mgp camera with digital zooming and a Lumix 8.1mgp camera I really liked this camera for the quality and the zooming to take super clear nice close up shots on say an insect or a microchip.
Bottom line is I'm wondering if you can somehow use them, now that I think about it, without the circuits doing there job, it would not be possible to run the sensor and actually get a photo, I don't know...
anybody have input? I just don't really want to waste...
I'm a pack rat I guess keep it till I know what to do with it..