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  1. #1
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    convert everything but the subject to grayscale

    hey guys,

    I just got my Nikon d90, and was messing around with it. I'm trying to use the Capture NX 2 software that came with the camera, but don't mind using photoshop either.

    One of the cool tricks that i've seen with pictures, is that artists can make everything on the screen black & white - except for their image.

    How do i do this? I've looked all through the program, but can't find a way to do it. the most i've found is using the lasso tool, select everything EXCEPT for my selection, and then adjust color. But the lasso tool needs a VERY steady hand, and i'm sure it wasnt meant to be used this way. is there a tool that will select the subject (or most of it, anyway) like the magic wand in photoshop? How do i do what I'm trying to do?


  2. #2
    n8 is offline
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    Re: convert everything but the subject to grayscale

    There's probably a dozen or more ways to go about this. My first suggestion would be to google "selective color photoshop," and watch the tutorials flow. That's how I've learned most of what I know. One of the best sites is this one in my opinion.
    With that said, here's a couple that pertain to PS specifically.
    - Convert whole image to b&w (after duplicating your background layer...ALWAYS duplicate your background layer), add mask, and paint the area that you want to have color (make sure black is your foreground color and white is your background color). That's a quick option if the original color will do. Want a different color?
    - Follow step one, then duplicate that layer, and change the blend mode to "color." Pick your color, pick your brush, and paint away.
    - Another trick is to use the color selection tool, which is in the select menu. This comes in handy if you've got the color all over the place, or its complicated shape After duping your original layer and converting it, add a mask, then go into the select menu, and click "color range." Make sure the "image" radial button is on, and click the little eye dropper on the color you want to keep. Adjust the fuzziness accordingly, and hit ok. Now that you have your selection, click on the mask on your b&w layer, hold shift-F5, select back, and ok, and bam...there you are. If that didn't work quite right, then you probably need to invert the selection, easily done with control-shift-I.
    Last edited by n8; 02-26-2011 at 10:22 PM.
    mostly Nikon gear

    Feel free to edit my images for critique, just let me know what you did.

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