Until now, ie for about a month, I've been using Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Today I thought I'd be adventurous and tried out Picasa2 which does seem to have more editing possibilities apart from the fact that I don't understand their file manager at all - it takes me ages to find a specific photo, I usually end up scrolling through the whole list! It's also a bit annoying that I can't get that nearly full screen view that I get with MOPM. But then it's a lot faster and I can actually see the effects of any changes as I move the cursor along instead of having to wait for ages. But what I want to ask is, there is this button that sharpens the photo and it does improve some of my nearly but not quite sharp photos. What exactly is it that it does? And is it cheating??? Or have I just not moved mentally from film to digital yet?
I'll be most grateful for any input! Thanks!