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  1. #1
    n8 is offline
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    adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers

    I've been learning how to make them, record the actions, and all of that, but what I cannot figure out, is how to open one I've previously saved, and add it to an image. I'm sure this is easy, and I'm missing a simple step, but I could use some help.

    Since I'm guessing it's the same process, just how to I open another image as a layer anyway?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Medley's Avatar
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    Re: adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers

    Actually, it's not easy at all. Because opening and saving files is a computer command, not a Photoshop command, this can't be accomplished with an action. It requires a script.

    I've been toying with trying to get the Image Processor (a script you already have) to accomplish this, but so far haven't had any luck.

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  3. #3
    n8 is offline
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    Re: adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers

    I've actually got a few methods figured out. I'm not so much worried about the automated stuff yet, just understanding the basics.

  4. #4
    Sports photo junkie jorgemonkey's Avatar
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    Re: adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers

    With the image you previously saved, are you going to use it for every image you are using the action for?

    For example, I have an action that opens up a texture file, copies the background layer and pastes it onto the document I'm currently working on. Thats easy. Now if you wanted to edit image A, save & close it, edit image B & then open image A and paste it onto B, then B onto C, etc that I don't believe you can do. (at least to my knowledge!)
    Nikon Samurai #21


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  5. #5
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers

    There is a method I have built into an action that works great for adding a simple copyright symbol to a photo. I'm sure you could tweak it to add your own watermark.

    The first step is to open a new blank document in photoshop, with a transparent background. Make it a very large document. I made mine 12"x12" @300dpi. Add your copyright to the blank document. I used a standard copyright symbol and made it as large as I could to fill the entire document. The next step is to fill the watermark with 50% gray. I added a bevel and emboss layer style to the symbol, and then saved the file to a place where it wouldn't get moved or deleted.

    The next step was to open a photo. Create a new action and do the following once it's recording. Go to File - Place, and select the copyright file you just created. This will place the file into your image as a smart object. Hit enter to place the smart object into your photo. It will size and center the symbol automatically. Go to your layers pallet and change the blend mode to Hard Light, then hit stop. This will place your watermark over the center of your photo as a smart object on it's own layer.

    Here is an example of a photo I ran this action on. Because the watermark file I made was very large and it's being placed as a smart object, it doesn't really matter what size photo you run the action on.

    The use of 50% gray for a color and changing the blend mode makes the watermark transparent, but the bevel & emboss layer style keeps the shape visible. This may or may not work depending on how you want the final product to look but it should give you a place to start.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails adding preset watermarks / opening image as layers-hydesmill.jpg  

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