Photography As Art Forum

This forum is for artists who use a camera to express themselves. If your primary concern is meaning and symbolism in photography, then you've come to the right place. Please respect other community members and their opinions when discussing the meaning of "art" or meaning in images. If you'd like to discuss one of your photos, please upload it to the photo gallery, and include a link to that gallery page in your post. Moderators: Irakly Shanidze, Megan, Asylum Steve
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Thread: unsure

  1. #1
    Member Jezz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Melbourne Australia


    To be honest im not sure any of the stuff i shoot is art, i just take photos of things i think looks good, so i was wondering if ppl agree or not? Is this even slightly artistic?
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  2. #2
    Moderator Irakly Shanidze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    United States

    Re: unsure

    i do now i want more.

  3. #3
    Member Jezz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Melbourne Australia

    Re: unsure

    thanks but is it arty?
    and was that to my sig?
    Sooo, do you like stuff?

    Well do ya?


  4. #4
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    May 2004

    Re: unsure

    Jezz, I'm not sure what that photo is of. Is it chairs? At any point, it really doesn't matter, it was shot in a creative way, not just strait on. Seem you were consciously or subconsciously trying to make a design. So, yes, it is artistic. Could it be more? yes, it always can. I would say to start thinking of why you liked that angle, then add to it. Could the light be more creative, could the Dof? Could you do something with the colors or exposure that would make your idea stand out more? There is always a more creative way to shoot something. Yours is a good beginning.I would say to begin with exposure. There's a correct exposure, which your shot is. But is it the most creative? so think of all the elements that go into taking a photo and push yourself to find the most creative. If you try, all of a sudden, you will realize that your photos look like you. It's whats inside you. Then you wont have to be unsure because its the best you can do at that time.

  5. #5
    Moderator Irakly Shanidze's Avatar
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    United States

    Re: unsure

    the beauty of this shot in part is in the fact that it does not matter what it is exactly. Matisse once said that in order to be able to see something, one must forget what this something is in real life. Here we see a wonderful illustration to his words

  6. #6
    News & Rum-or-ator opus's Avatar
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    Southeast Wisconsin

    Re: unsure

    I see a cave painting in the background. Looks like an elk.
    Drink Coffee. Do stupid things faster with more energy.

  7. #7
    Member Jezz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Melbourne Australia

    Re: unsure

    Shesells, it is a chair, a really long bench seat at a train station, on the wall in the background is some old painted over graffiti, which as kelly bean has pointed out looks like a cave painting, good spot, i hadn't even seen it.

    And thanks Irakly, means a lot to be talked about in terms of matisse.
    Thank you all, and here is another shot the same day, of the same thing, just differently.
    Sooo, do you like stuff?

    Well do ya?


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