I quoted SW because I'd like to get a discussion going on this subject. Being new to photography I am wanting to better understand things. I agree with SW in that I don't consider shadows as silhouettes and I'm confused about how dark does the silhouette have to be???Originally Posted by SmartWombat
To use a couple of examples: My pic of the flag in this thread. I have a fairly dark background with a bright sun and the tree and flag pole silhouetted, and the flag partially silhouetted and partially lit.
A short time ago, Adina posted a pic of someone standing in a doorway and some of the comments were that people wanted the silhoutte darker.
So I ask...What is a silhouette? Is it strictly...black and white? How much color/brightness, etc determines whether it is or isn't a "good" silhouette?
Any comments???
I look at this thread as a way to get us thinking about different projects and in so doing learning better photography. I hope this discussion is not out of line...for this project.