Having used my new-to-me D30 a little more now, I have some questions. Since this will be my primary photo-taking tool from here on out (till I upgrade someday), shooitng mostly people, I need to know that I am working in the best way I can with my images, since they will be my only originals once stored.
The following questions regard keeping the original traits of each image (no enhancements or modifications other than cropping, dodging, burning, etc) so that it continues to be a representation of what I first saw through the viewfinder. Keep in mind that I'm not new to PS but rarely ever use it beyond the following workflow.
So what's your workflow like? Here's mine:
Open the image, and do any cropping needed
Run Auto Levels
Go to Levels: Input levels, 0; 1.15; 255 (others are default)
Unsharp Mask:
Amount: 130 %
Radius: 1.0
Threshold: 0
If printing in newspaper or mag, change Mode from RGB to CMYK
Make any contrast/color adjustments necessary
Resize if needed
Save As jpg, max quality of 12 (or TIFF for printing)
So, is there something better, or more precise, than Auto Levels? Should I always run Auto Contrast and Auto Color as well?
What's the threshold and radius mean in the Unsharp Mask filter? Should I change them?
I learned this workflow from working at the campus newspaper, as the photo editor. The previous editor had left this on a sheet, and it seemed to work great. Except for changing modes to CMYK - that's something our printer eventually said I should do.
I am also going to start saving my originals as TIFFs, and leave the jpegs for web-use only.
Other questions:
What happens if I save an image that is originally 9MB, with a res of 180 dpi, to 300 dpi? Most magazines want submissions sent in at 300, but the D30 seems to want to shoot 180. Is it the "limited" 3.2MP capability of the camera? (Can you tell I'm a total newb at this pixel stuff? lol)
Some pics come out yellowish when I run Auto Levels .. it seems this only happens to photos that are out of focus. Any ideas?
Now about printing: any tips beyond getting a good printer? I'm gonna get an Epson Stylus 1280, but in the meantime, I'll be using the local lab. What can I do to insure they get me the print I want out of it? Besides resizing to 8x10, should I change the Mode from RGB to CMYK for them? Will the above workflow be suitable for lab printing?
What about Lab Color?
Any good books on general digital photography that deal with tech questions like the above?
Are you still reading this? (If so, bless yer heart, and thanks in advance for any help!)