I have an application where the image analysis often requires me to split the info in a captured image into the three rgb channels, one image for each, sometimes changing the colour rep to HSI, YIQ, HSV. This has always worked fine with TIFF files each chanel containing different and sharp information.
I have just started working with RAW and have used a Nikon D2xs, Nikon D200 and Fuji S5 Pro. I have converted the files with Lightroom, Photoshop and Fuji HS V3 software. The converted TIFF file looks fine until I split the channels. All but one channels are very very badly pixelated and a lot of info is missing.
This makes me wonder what does RAW do to my images. If i capture an image on the D2xs as as TIFF I have no problems.
This is amjor issue and concerns me with gerneral photography as info is obviously be lost.
Does anyone have any ideas?????