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Thread: Raw editor

  1. #1
    Nikon User photo101's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Raw editor

    I am sure this has been asked before but I did not find anything. What is a decent, but relatively cheap raw editor other than photoshop? When youa re ametuer like me, sometimes photoshop is a bit intimidating to work with and I am just curious as to what else is out there that will do the trick but maybe more intuitive.


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  2. #2
    Member Don Kondra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

    Re: Raw editor

    Price is right 2...

    Cheers, Don

  3. #3
    The Polariser fx101's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    New York

    Re: Raw editor

    It really depends on the level of editing you're looking for. For Nikon, nothing beats Capture NX2 for just conversion. If you're looking for a bit more flexibility Adobe Photoshop Lightroom gives you what used to be Rawshooter integrated into an easy to use interface. I personally love lightroom and it makes the whole process easy. It also allows conversion to the universal raw format--DNG which makes it easy to use in other applications. If you want actual editing power combined with an extremely flexible raw solution I'm afraid you're stuck with PS.
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  4. #4
    Sleep is optional Sebastian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Chicago Suburbs

    Re: Raw editor

    Lightroom or APerture are the way to go. Great editors and probably the best workflow/management tools around. I think Aperture has the edge on the management front, but you can't go wrong with either, especially at those prices.

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